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By Sweet Heart 8D

I've been a member of the MidnightCrow crew just a few days but now. I had heard it was a cool crew, and Av3ril came to me one day and asked if I wanted to join. I said yes, and it was a great decision. c: Av3ril is one of the nicest people you'll meet, and she always does what is best for her crew. She keeps us updated and will help you if you ever need it. The MidnightCrow itself is like a family. We continuously are growing and are the best crew in Ourworld! I love being in the MidnightCrow. It pays back to it's members with the awesome crew contests, full elevator each month and the lovely website. I hope to always stay a member of the wonderful crew that is The MidnightCrow! I will never leave this crew.

By Flame

This crew has changed my life in ourworld. Not only because it’s popular, because it’s fair and have good intentios. This crew don’t lying or cheat, this crew not like other crews, it’s somhow unque and special. I will remember it forever, and I will remember it when I left ourworld. Especially I will never forget best founder ever Av3ril, I love you. You’ve worked to achive success in this Crew! Fully support you in this,  I hope you will get what you want. Please God help Av3ril to achive their dreams, please.. I love this crew so much!And I promise I will never leave this crew.


By  BL StoleYourLube

The MidnightCrow crew is probally one of the most nicest and amazing crew I’ve joined. The founder and co founder ( Thanks for inviting me Lady Red Epic) were so nice and amazing when I met them just today just by reading all of the comments and crew imformation I can see that Leader truly do care about the people in crew and are loyal and respectful people. Thanks for inviting me to this crew it’s absolutely wonderful crew!<3


By iiPie

I have only been in this crew for like.. a day BUT  over all it seems really good, you are helping ourworld players grow even if they aren’t a rez or a zoe! Most people think a crew like ours (only 30+ member) won’t grow and might not get a full elevator yet we have exceeded all expectations!!! I think this is a wonderful crew that will continue to grow, get more members, and eventually become a crew everyone wants to join!!

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