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Your Responsibilities for Crew

1. Read all pages on the crew website so you know the rules
2. Invite Zoes members to raise the elevator. Use the " how to invite zoes " page to copy and past to zoes and go around looking for members. 
3. take full responsibility for the crew and treat it like its your own crew.
4. have the crew logo in your condo ( this shows support for your crew
5. obtain over 3 stars every month. recommended to be a zoes but acceptions can be made. 
6. demoting and removing members wont be allowed for now because the rank is very important because if their a zoes crow i know they were a zoes so i give them time but if their demoted i would not know that.
7. there is a tiny possiblity if you do extremely well in this position you can become the MidnightCrow successor and help Av3ril with founder duties and possibly take over one day. though this is extremely unlikely and should never be ask for only offered.  
8. host crew events and get involved socially.
9. not be a spy
10. be friends with Av3ril
11. have style
12. most important you got to care for your The MidnightCrow family.
  • Av3ril's job is a lot harder than this and They are the one who gives away so much in prizes and spends ages on the website and she just needs some help. ( i wanna be a member of my own crew )​

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